January 30, 2008

Kind & Generous

One of the best feelings in business is when you find out you've made a great impression on someone when you weren't even trying. I'm always on my best behaviour when meeting someone new but let's face it ... we're all human. Sometimes crankiness comes through so you don't always know what a prospective client thinks of you.

Well, this lovely lady didn't end up being a client (we met rather late and I was already booked on her date) but that didn't stop her from making my day. I spotted a very sweet testimonial on her Facebook page that really warmed my heart ...

"Wedding Planner and more- Moments that Shine- i have heard soooooooo many great things about Susan. If you need a wedding planner i would highly recommend her based on all the great reviews..plus she makes stationary products and jewelry!!! Very creative! Check out her website and blog www.momentsthatshine.com"

Thank you so much, Mari! That truly means a lot to me ... especially since it was so unexpected!

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