November 6, 2007

The Wedding Planner

This weekend FI and I had our first in-person meeting with Susan from Moments That Shine (apparently, crazy emails from me don’t count as a “meeting”). It was nice to have a real concrete conversation about wedding stuff. Things were written down, dates were set, charts were filled out- PROGRESS WAS MADE!

FI and I are feeling really good about everything. I was feeling a bit “willy-nilly” about what needed to get done next so it was good to make a list of “things to do” in the near future. FI and I are all about lists, and spreadsheets!

Susan has a chart that she uses to keep you in line and get the conversation moving. She tried to assure me that eventually all of those intimidating blank squares would be filled with text- lovely, organized, wedding text. But that seems pretty far off.

We also got the chance to look through her invitations portfolio. Although most of them are online, sometimes it’s nice to get to flip actual pages, and open things. You forget about the importance of tactile experiences in this day and age. We fell in love with two invites. One is “classy” and the other is “fun”. That’s a pretty typical debate for us. We want people to know as soon as they get the invite what the “vibe” of our wedding is. I guess we just have to narrow down what exactly that vibe might be! Likely, “Classy Fun”. Ha!

Susan also suggested a florist, so my mother and I will have our very first florist meeting at the end of November. I’m quite excited about that- it will be more PROGRESS!

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